Dosimeter-radiometer MKC-01CA1

AtomEco SRL company presents on the international market a professional dosimeter-radiometer MKС-01CA1, specially designed to facilitate the work of bank and post office staff in monitoring and detecting the radioactivity of cash banknotes in postal items.
The dosimeter-radiometer MKС-01CA1 is intended for: measuring the ambient equivalent dose rate and dose of gamma (X-ray) radiation; measuring the density of beta and alpha particles from contaminated surfaces.
The device is used for searching for radioactive sources, monitoring radioactive contamination of banknotes and postal items, and assessing the radiation situation.
Parameter description Value Dose measuring range, mSv 0,0001 - 1∙103 Dose rate measuring range, μSv/h 0,1 - 1·104 Photons energy range, MeV 0,05 - 3,0 Measuring range of beta-particles flux density (by 90Sr+90Y), min-1·cm-2 5 - 3·104 The lower limit of the beta-radiation energy being registered (according to average beta spectrum energy 14 С), not more than, MeV, 0.05 The threshold of allowable basic relative error for confidence probability 0,95 for all measuring modes, % ±25 Indication range of alpha-particles flux density (for 239Pu), min-1·cm-2, 10 - 3·104 Indication range of ionizing particles flux (for 90Sr+90Y), min-1 10 - 3·104 Natural radiation background level: - in «GAMMA» mode, μSv/h, not more than 0,05 - in «BETA» mode, min-1·cm-2, not more than 6 Operating mode setting time, min, not more than 1 Continuous work time (while measurement at the level of natural radiation background level), not less than, h: - from 2 pcs. AA batteries, or 2 pcs. AA accumulators (with a capacity of more than 2700 mA·h); Not less than 400 - by the AC voltage adapter or PC Non limited Dose rate measuring time, s, not more than: - if the background is less than 0,15 μSv/h 120 - if the background is more than 1 μSv/h 5 Dose thresholds setting range, μSv/h (with a step of 0,1 μSv/h) 0,1 - 1·104 Dose thresholds setting range, μSv (with a step of 0,001 μSv) 0,001 - 1·103 Beta and alpha particles flux density thresholds, min-1·sm-2, (with a step of 1,0 min-1×cm-2) 5 - 3·104 Ionizing particles threshold flux thresholds, min-1, (with a step of 1,0 min-1) 5 - 3·104 Intervals of voice output of dose rate measurements results, s Automatic, with intervals 30, 60, 120s or OFF Sound signaling activated when exceeding the preset the thresholds dose rate, beta- and alpha- particles flux density On-off signal with 1s interval Sound messages: - when the instrument power supply is on; «Device is ready to operate» - when the instrument power supply is off; « Device is stop off» - when exceeding the measuring limit of the dose rate, alpha- or beta- flux density; «Result exceeds the measuring limit» - when exceeding the preset dose threshold «Dose threshold exceeding» Intervals of recording in the log, min 1; 5; 30 or OFF Log capacity, quantity of records 2000 The language of display information output English / Spanish Operation conditions: - temperature,○С From minus 20 up to +50 - humidity at 30 ○С, % Up to 75 Overall dimensions, mm 112×65×30 Mass without power supply elements, g, not more than 150 -
The dosimeter-radiometer MKС-01CA1 is intended for: measuring the ambient equivalent dose rate and dose of gamma (X-ray) radiation; measuring the density of beta and alpha particles from contaminated surfaces.
The device is used for searching for radioactive sources, monitoring radioactive contamination of banknotes and postal items, and assessing the radiation situation.
MKС-01CA1 has the following distinctive features:
– simultaneous measurement of dose rate and dose of γ (X) – radiation in a wide range of measurements, respectively, 0.1-10 000 μSv / h and 0.1 μSv – 1 Sv;
-measurement of the flux density of β- and α-particles in the range, respectively, 5‑30 000 and 10-30 000 particle/( min×cm2);
– guaranteed accuracy of ± 25% in all measurement ranges;
-second measurement cycle with a constant averaging of their result;
– instantaneous (within 1-2 seconds) automatic change of display readings with a significant change in the intensity of radiation;
– high sensitivity (from 50 keV) of measurements of γ(X) – quanta and β – particles;
– voice scoring of the measurements of γ(X)- radiation dose rate results in English and Spanish;
-digital and analog indication of the result, unit and current statistical measurement error on the display;
-tonal sound alarm when exceeding user-set thresholds for dose rate and dose of
γ (X) radiation, flux density of β- and α- particles;
-convenience in operation due to the compact body, low weight and the optimal algorithm for determining the background radiation;
-storing in non-volatile memory up to 2000 measurement results with the date and time of their implementation;-the ability to exchange data with a PC (via USB port).
- Сertificates
- Documentation